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5 To Thrive, Today!

June 6, 2024 1:15pm

Below are five of my favourite tips and tricks to making a better life starting today. It’s not about you - When communicating with another human, stop to think about what they are trying to achieve with their words and/or actions and none of your answers can be about you (because trust me, most of the time in life, it…

Let knowledge be thy medicine

June 6, 2024 1:13pm

Do you just want to live a day where you get to feel healthy, or even just wake up and not be in pain, to have the energy to get excited about the day ahead, to feel like you can keep on keeping on? Are you navigating a complex health system, with complex health concerns and feeling overwhelmed and confused…

How many minutes did your burger cost?

June 6, 2024 1:12pm

When you look at what you do, not by what it cost you in $ value, but by how many minutes of your life you had to give in order to do it, everything starts looking very different. I want to introduce you to the concept that changed my life for the better, that allows me to sit here on a…

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